Timeclock Keystrokes

Time Clock Keystrokes

  • CTRL + (UP or COMMA): Move job selection up the list.
  • CTRL + (DOWN or PERIOD): Move job selection down the list.
  • CTRL + I: Clock In to selected job.
  • CTRL + O: Clock Out of selected job.
  • CTRL + D: Open Date Picker.
  • CTRL + S: Focus Job Search input.
  • CTRL + Y: Add job form.
  • CTRL + J: View all job.
  • CTRL + K: View jobs with times.
  • CTRL + G: View jobs with todos.
  • CTRL + E: Edit selected job or time.
  • CTRL + L: Toggle all time containers.
  • CTRL + H: Open selected job todos.

Date Picker Keystrokes

  • PAGE UP: Move to the previous month.
  • PAGE DOWN: Move to the next month.
  • CTRL/COMMAND + LEFT: Move to the previous day.
  • CTRL/COMMAND + RIGHT: Move to the next day.
  • CTRL/COMMAND + UP: Move to the previous week.
  • CTRL/COMMAND + DOWN: Move to the next week.
  • ENTER: Select the focused date.
  • CTRL/COMMAND + END: Close the datepicker and erase the date.
  • ESCAPE: Close the datepicker without selection.

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